With the number 2695/Β'/9.05.2024 Official Gazette, the number 20/2024 Fire-fighting Ordinance was approved, which defines preventive fire protection measures for plots of land and other uncovered areas within a plan, within the boundaries of settlements, even if there is no approved urban plan, in areas located within a radius of 100 m from the boundaries of the above areas, as well as in off-plan pitches with buildings.

An exception is provided only for landscaped and maintained gardens, as well as for the planted surfaces of buildings, apartment buildings, etc. of the aforementioned regions and land plots.

The owners, usufructuary, tenants, lessees and sublessees of the above properties are in principle obliged to clean them (logging, removal of dry leaves and branches, root branching, thinning of shrubby vegetation, removal of rubbish, abandoned objects), collection and removal of debris, as well as and an additional obligation to solemnly declare the above on the relevant electronic platform that has been put into operation. The deadline for the solemn declaration was 31.05.2024 and from 2025 on April 30 of each year.

In case of non-compliance with the above obligations, penalties are provided for, including fines for non-cleaning based on the square meters of the property, but also a separate fine for not submitting a solemn declaration (the penalty is €1,000 for any person under the obligation to do so). In the event of non-declaration, the consent of the owner to the cleaning by the relevant municipality is not necessary. The Municiplaity which is also obliged to take care of conducting ex officio on site inspections throughout the fire season (1/5 - 31/10).

For the solemn declarations, the platform is

G. Mountoulias